Youth Compose And Document A Song In 2 Days

Five of the horses have Mr. David Reid’s model on them. Clark made an announcement to Mr. McJennett, the Chief Constable, of the way in which they had are available possession of the horses, which they mentioned they had purchased from one Joseph Williams at Tuena. There is cause to consider that this account of their possession is false, as no such person as Joseph Williams is understood at Tuena. Edward Prior is the son of Mr. Henry Prior of this city, and has hitherto borne an irreproachable character. Francis Clark is also of Goulburn, his real name being Gardiner.

Also, a second edition of “Woman’s Heart.” To be had of J. Gibbs, 89, Phillip-street, Sydney, and all Music sellers. THE Victoria was exceedingly well attended on Monday night, the performances being for the benefit of. MR. and MRS. GIBBS,

– No Pupil shall be obtained for a much less Term that three Months – The Person engaged, is M. The Athenaeum corridor was crowded final night at Mr. Joseph Gillott’s first invitation concert. In a programme containing 21 numbers it is impossible to speak about individual performances of younger women who are nonetheless in the state of pupilage, however it is as a result of of them collectively to acknowledge a basic aptitude and intelligence.

Observe the names of the company engaged. Madame Glogoski, Miss Bassmann, Paddy Doyle, Mr. Campbell, and Herr Glogoski, thus defying competition. The family later lived at the property “Wollong” within the Hunter Valley, the place Alfred recorded Marianne turning into his church organist (his journal, 30 July 1863).

There was a tolerably good attendance . Mr. Lillywhite acted as conductor, and Mr. Chapman as leader. Herr Kunze presided on the UNSW Bella MELODIA piano, and Mr. Light at the harmonium.

Isabella MELODIA

Hence music should be, and usually is, so composed as to swimsuit the genius of that people alone amongst whom it first seems, and so long as the present variety of habits and idioms exist, music should stay because it had been an area language. AN Exhibition of Paintings might be held at the Rooms of the South Australian Library and Mechanics’ Institute on the day of the Horticultural Show, and a Lecture on Painting, Music, and the Fine Arts, shall be delivered in the evening by Mr. Gilfillan,

The concert which was announced to be given by St. Joseph’s Band in the City Park last night, was postponed on account of the demise of Mr. Galvin, and the members have intimated that they may attend the funeral, which is to go away his late residence, Albert Place, Wellington-street, at three p.m. Deep remorse was expressed locally yesterday when it became identified that Mr. Charles Galvin, a really widely-respected resident of Launceston, had passed away. The deceased had been ailing for some months, but his demise was not anticipated by his friends, for on Friday he left his room, though he was not capable of attend to business matters.

Canberra Citynews

On Wednesday, October 14th, 1829. Grand and Favourite Overture – Der Freitchutz [sic] – Webber. Duet – In gaudy Court with aching hearts.

Australian Determine Skating Championship Outcomes

The commicalities of “Brodder Bones” produced roars of laughter, which had been only checked by the grave and solemn airs assumed by Messieurs “Flutina” and “Banjo.” “Miss Lucy Lond” did in reality, “dance to the music,” and her (or his) terpsichorean feats elicited unbounded applause. The Shakesperian readings had been a novelty of their method – and the rendering of “Woman’s Rights” by the old dame, with the tin coal scuttle bonnet on, approximated to perfection.

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Originally entitled The Song of the Australian settler, it was one of a number of Australian songs written by Stephen Glover and lyricist Charles Jefferys for Henry Smith’s

dearly beloved aunt of Lucy, Florence, and Canon Homfray, aged 98 vears. On the 16th instant, at his residence, Branga Park, Walcha, New England, Francis Girard, Esq., aged sixty seven years. FRENCH LANGUAGE AND DANCING, QUADRILLES, COUNTRY DANCES, WALTZES, &c. TAUGHT AT No. four, MACQUARIE-STREET. MONSIEUR GIRARD, in presenting his honest Thanks to the Public for the very liberal Encouragement which he has uniformly skilled, begs to suggest the Advantage which Ladies and Gentlemen would derive, by being furnished, a few Days earlier to any Ball,

