Six Important Advantages of Using Film in Education

It’s common to misunderstand movies in terms of education. The majority of parents think that since kids are hooked to movies, watching them can only be detrimental to their schooling. Because it is perceived as a recreational activity, using movies as teaching tools is questioned.

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Part of the issue is the misconception that professors use movies as a way to distract their pupils while they mark papers in class. Parents should be aware that, when utilized as a teaching tool, movies can provide some educational advantages. Several of these benefits have been highlighted in this text.

Enhances Students’ Understanding

It occasionally takes pupils some time to fully comprehend what is being taught in class. For instance, some students find studying history difficult when they are required to read texts by themselves. Using movies in addition to traditional teaching methods can aid in students’ comprehension.

Movies increase comprehension and retention by appealing to a wider range of senses in the tutee. But when you use movies to instruct, make sure you point out any factual inconsistencies. This is due to the fact that movies may exaggerate facts or even convey information. As the instructor, it is your duty to address these.

Learning Is Fun With Movies

Regular lessons might wear students down and make them bored at times. As a result, both the pupils and the classes get monotonous. Students become more engaged and motivated to study when movies are incorporated into the curriculum.

It will be simpler for them to comprehend the concepts and do better in those topics if they are more interested in that topic or subjects. As a result, educators should think about adding periodic movie nights to their curricula.

Enhances Memory Functioning in Students

One strategy an instructor might use to strengthen their recall of particular subjects is repetition. Repeating a lesson may be stressful for teachers, however it can also get monotonous for pupils at times. Here, an instructor has the option to assign a video that relates to a lesson they have already presented to their class.

Students will receive the repetition they require to strengthen their memory. In a similar vein, writing essays need constant practice in order to improve. Students may easily watch the same movies over and over again without growing bored.

They Aid in Raising Awareness of Specific Concerns

Many of the problems facing society are addressed in some films. These might have to do with matters of faith, society, the economics, or culture. Since some of these discussions may be challenging for instructors to undertake, movies provide the awareness that students require.

Pupils gain knowledge about current events in society, the struggles that individuals face, and the journeys they took to reach their current position. These films aid in imparting valuable lessons to students. Students who see movies on bullying, for instance, may become more empathetic.

Students Are Inspired by Movies

Students benefit from inspiration because it motivates them to strive for excellence and take on more in life. Movies frequently include stories, and many of these stories center on characters who overcome obstacles and become into better versions of themselves. These situations urge students to reflect on their life and acquire virtues like respect and hard effort in order to make positive changes.

Students are motivated by movies because they demonstrate that one individual can make a big difference and even become a hero. Nevertheless, depending on what you want to educate your students, it’s critical to select the appropriate movie for them.

Two-Tone Coding

When kids read about a topic and then see a movie that is connected to it, this is known as dual coding. This approach seems to be highly effective in improving students’ comprehension of the material being taught. One excellent method is to assign students to read a novel, such as The Great Gatsby, and then see the movie.

Their comprehension of the material will be enhanced by it. Educators can also use that opportunity to assign students to find the contrasts between the text and the movie. That makes for an interesting class debate.

Last Words

Although they must be used properly, movies may be a great teaching tool. For the best learning outcomes, teachers must actively participate in the classroom; students cannot learn from movies alone. Additionally, it’s important to employ movies for instruction selectively.

Movies cannot teach every topic, and as such, they cannot take the role of in-person instruction. Excessive usage of films in the classroom by teachers will make pupils despise traditional classroom instruction. If a teacher wants to get the most out of movies, they must prepare. However, in general, films are a vital component of education when utilized properly.

